Autumn Meeting 2005

October 26 - 27

Jurys Gt Russell Street

16-22 Great Russell Street,

London WC1B 3NN

Tel: 020 7347 1000

Fax: 020 7347 1001

This was a back to back meeting with the British Thyroid Association.  The meeting was followed by an SpR meeting - October 27-28




9.00 - 9.45               Roles and Risks of Continuous Insulin Pump therapy in Type 1 Diabetes. 

Professor Stephanie Amiel, Professor of Diabetic Medicine, Kings College, London.


9.45 - 10.30               Impact of Oestrogen therapy on diabetes and vascular risk.


                                Dr Helen Buckler, Consultant Endocrinologist, Hope Hospital,  Salford.


10.30 - 11.00              Tea and Coffee


11.00 - 12.30            The ABCD Debate: HbA1c is not a sufficiently reliable marker of glycaemic control in diabetes care.

Chaired by Dr Anne Kilvert, Consultant Physician, Northampton General Hospital.

Proposer: Dr William Jeffcoate, Consultant Diabetologist, City Hospital, Nottingham.

Opposer: Professor Sally Marshall, Professor of Diabetes, University  of Newcastle upon Tyne.


12.30 – 13.30              Lunch


13.30 – 13.50          Antiplatelet effects of Rosiglitazone - A direct consequence of platelet PPAR gamma activation.

                                    Dr Manish Khanolkar, Llandough Hospital, Winner of the ABCD SpR Training Award 2004.


13.50 – 14.15              ABCD survey of services for gestational diabetes -

                                   Dr Fahmy Hanna, University Hospital of North Staffordshire.


 14.15 - 15.00             Tariffs for specialist diabetes services – The final nail in the coffin?

Professor Anthony Barnett, Professor of Medicine, University of Birmingham.

15.00 - 15.45              Hot topic: Findings and implications of the PROACTIVE study.

Professor John Betteridge, Professor of Diabetes & Endocrinology, The Middlesex Hospital

15.45 – 16.00              Tea & coffee


16.00 – 16.45            Anti-psychotic drugs and diabetes - genuine concern or industry hype?

Dr Richard Holt, Senior Lecturer, University of Southampton.

 16.45 – 17.30            Links between oxidative stress, inflammation and diabetic vascular



Professor Naveed Sattar, Consultant Clinical Biochemist, Glasgow Royal Infirmary.